Myles Turner is using yoga to reshape his body and his NBA career (via ESPN)

LAS VEGAS — As a loudspeaker blares the rhythmic sounds and chants of Shiva & Krishna Lounge meditation music, a nearby vent is pumping out 98 degrees of heat into a hot yoga studio in scorching Las Vegas, where the temperature outside reaches a furnacelike 110 degrees on this July afternoon.

Dripping in sweat after nearly 30 minutes of vinyasa flow yoga poses, Myles Turner is about to attempt something he hasn’t been able to hold for longer than a few seconds.

Turner, on his knees, starts with his hands and forearms on the floor before turning the top of his head onto the floor. Taking his knees off the floor and stretching his legs fully out, with his rear end up in the air and his long legs extended out with toes still touching the floor, Turner begins to shift his 250 pounds from his knees toward his back and then to his head and arms.

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